Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Wisdom teeth are like other set of teeth. They are the third molars and appear in the later stage of life. The problem arises if one develops an impacted wisdom tooth. Impacted wisdom teeth develop normally but they tend to initiate problems because of their half-developed structure or fully developed structure for which there is no space in your mouth. This ultimately leads to problems in your chewing, digestion, salivating. They sometime stay enclosed within the jawbone. The common dental problems that the patient has to face are pain, swelling in the cheek, fever, emergence of cyst around the wisdom tooth and significant damage to the adjacent bone.
The most painful and complicated of all dental experiences is the
Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Wisdom Tooth or the Adult tooth that mostly starts to grow, at the back of the mouth, when one reaches the age of 17-25.There are certain people who do not get wisdom tooth at all but not everyone here is so lucky. There may be a single wisdom tooth or two of them. This is an outpatient procedure stating that the patient can go home the same day. One should not ignore this process as it can lead to serious repercussions if not dealt properly. OUR HOSPITAL IS EQIUPED WITH LATEST AREB CERTIFIED DIGITAL OPG MACHINE & PEIZO SURGERY UNIT TO REMOVE SUCH WISDOM TEETH ATRAUMATICALLY FOR THE PATIENTS COMFORT. The main advantages of piezosurgery include soft tissue protection, optimal visibility in the surgical field, decreased blood loss, less vibration and noise, increased comfort for the patient, and protection of tooth structures. Therefore, the piezoelectric device ARE efficient in decreasing the short-term pain and swelling postoperative TO THE third molar surgery.